Friday, December 28, 2007

Windy Day

Here is my newest print entitled Windy Day.


Unknown said...

Hi! I am another seller on Etsy ( and I just saw your work on Etsy. I want to say it was on the homepage, but then when I went back to look for it again, I lost it, so now I'm not sure where it was.
Wherever it was I saw it, I wanted to say you've certainly gotten a lot of views and sales for only having been on Etsy for a few days. Nice job!
Also, you will probably hear this again, but your work looks a lot like another Etsy seller, ashleyg. She is wildly successful though, so hopefully you will be too!
Good luck on Etsy!! I look forward to seeing your future prints!

motomoto said...

Thank you so much for your nice comment! :)